
Studio Octobre_Photographe_Vidéaste_Bordeaux
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le deli

Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Le Deli, a Bordeaux destination that marries global mixology excellence with local delicacies. Our photographic report captures the elegance of exquisite cocktails and the diversity of regional nuggets, offering a visual immersion in the art of mixology and Bordeaux gastronomy.

Reportage photo Le Deli StudioOctobre Vidéaste Photographe

Le deli

Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Le Deli, a Bordeaux destination that marries global mixology excellence with local delicacies. Our photographic report captures the elegance of exquisite cocktails and the diversity of regional nuggets, offering a visual immersion in the art of mixology and Bordeaux gastronomy.

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